In our quest to learn more about the King of the Kingdom of God we must embark on a quest to discover the Lord Jesus Christ “As He Is Today.” Therefore I submit the following series for our prayerful and thoughtful consideration of the scriptures.

The following is submitted by the author not as a completed work but as a journey in progress. This quest to personally know Jesus Christ “As He Is” may take a lifetime, and one must be willing to be open to new information based upon truth of scripture alone and not speculation, feelings or experiences.

By Frank J Manasseri


This is a Biblical study of the plan of salvation, which after the counsel of His own Will, the Father God, along with His only begotten Son, set in motion before the foundations of this world.

The goal of this work is to present information that will be both challenging and enlightening concerning Jesus Christ (The Messiah). What is written in the following pages may challenge some traditional theology in such a way that it will encourage the reader to join the ranks of those noble Berean’s who after hearing the scriptures, “searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so.” Acts 17:11 (KJV)


Today many are seeking to learn more about this Jesus of Nazareth who claimed to be the Son of the True God. During the days of His earthly ministry, Jesus presented a challenge to His disciples when He asked them, “Whom do men say that I the Son of Man am?”

There was a significant purpose for His inquiry. This one simple question provoked a response that unleashed a revelation from heaven concerning the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

The Lord desired to know what the people were saying about who He was, but of more importance to Him, He desired to know who the disciples believed He was. Why was this so imperative? Why didn’t the Lord just simply announce who He was to everyone? Jesus knew He was the Christ, the Son of the living God, and He certainly did not need any man to confirm or validate this truth. He knew that only the Father could truly reveal the Son and that only the Son could truly reveal the Father .

In this revelation from heaven one may begin to develop an intimacy with Him, for what one thinks of Jesus Christ is the most singularly important factor for those who deeply desire to enjoy an intimate relationship with Him and to know Him “AS HE IS” today.

In this record some thought He was John the Baptist, while some thought He was Elias, Jeremiah or some other prophet that had been reincarnated. Opinions have not changed much since the time when the Lord Jesus asked this question of His disciples. Even today, individuals still have a myriad of opinions as to who they think Jesus of Nazareth is.

Many so-called Biblical scholars hold symposiums designed to share information, in-sights and opinions hoping to find the answers to who Jesus really is. By the confession of their mouths they speak and declare who they think He is. Their conclusions are like the opinions recorded in this section of scripture – some are correct, and some are wrong.

Why is it so important to the Lord that people accurately know who He is? The proper answer to this question will determine the quality of an individual’s personal relationship with Him. If one thinks He is just one of the many prophets or just another holy man, then the relationship will not be based on truth. However if one accepts, as Peter did, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, then this relationship is built upon the solid rock of truth.

The Father God’s love for mankind was and is continually manifested through His only begotten Son. The selfless life of sacrifice and service of Jesus the Christ is plainly illustrated as we journey through the pages of the Bible. The Son of God declared the Father to His followers and to all those who would listen.

To be continued …

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