Monthly Archives: February 2016

Glory Halleujah!

Glory Hallelujah!

All true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ are no longer in bondage, or slaves to sin.

This is due to His finished work on the Cross which has emancipated us to live in Liberty.

The Cross to some is foolishness but to others it is the power of God unto salvation! For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. To deny salvation is to deny the power of the Cross and thereby blaspheme God.

When the Lord said “It Is Finished” He meant it!
Therefore anyone accepts Jesus of Nazareth as Lord, they are empowered by the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome sin and the world’s way of living. This is why Christ said that we should seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
The gift of Holy Spirit which is the token of our inheritance, delivers people from the bondage of being children of disobedience, which at one time we all were, and gives them the power to become the children of obedience.

Once an individual has been saved, they each have the personal responsibility to live in the grace of that salvation. This is called sanctification.

Sanctification is the process all followers of Christ, while living upon the earth, go through as they steward their salvation which in the first place came from God via the gift of faith.

During this process of sanctification we now have choices which we never had before when we were walking in the darkness of our past. The choices we have been given is to choose not succumb to sin.

However all normal people know that to never succumb to sin is impossible. This is why, if we do succumb to sin, we have and Advocate or High Priest (Jesus Christ) who makes intercession for us in the Holy of Holies in Heaven.

Therefore when we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
He has called and enabled us to reign with Him in His Kingdom and gave us power to be obedient in order to accomplish this high calling.
May we all as followers of Christ continue to walk worthy of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus!

Simply put, I was saved at the cross. I am continually being saved through the daily process of sanctification, and I will absolutely be saved at the Resurrection.

Bottom line is that salvation is all about God and His mercy, Grace and Faith.

Salvation is not about us and whether or not we have the ability to keep it. Because if this were the case, we would all be lost without hope and without God in this world.

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Old Testament / New Testament

A few weeks ago I promised I would write out something the Lord showed me concerning the difference between the Old and the New Testament. Well here it is:

The Old Testament and the New Testament

The Old Testament was written for our learning and it is made up of  types and shadows.


These types and shadows are like an old time undeveloped negative of a photograph. When you look at the negative what you see is in reverse of what the developed picture will eventually look like. You can see the images but they are not as clear as the developed imazges because they are missing many details.


The way I see it this illustration shows the difference between the Old and New Testaments.


The New Testament clarifies the Old Testament.


The New Testament is the fully developed picture of the Old Testament.


The things we read in the Old Testament come into complete fruition in the New Covenant. This is because the Old Testament is but a shadow of things that will one day be developed and come into full view.


If you look at the shadow of your hand what do you see? Or better yet what do you not see?


The shadow of your hand shows the shape of your hand. However, all the descriptive details such as fingernails, skin, fingers, knuckles, wrinkles. Are missing.


The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, while the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. And the Old Testament is for our learned or example.


Without the New Testament we would be missing so much truth concerning Jesus Christ as He Is Today.

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