Discovering The Lord Jesus Christ As He Is Today PART XII of XIII

Discovering The Lord Jesus Christ As He Is Today PART XII of XIII

By Frank Manasseri

Eternity Past and Eternity Future

In eternity past Christ was the divine Sonof God, in the form of spirit with the Father.

During the days of His flesh the Messiah chose to limit Himself by setting aside His Godly attributes, and was born of a virgin, fully man (flesh) with perfect sinless blood.

Now and in eternity future Christ is and will be forever remain “As He Is” fully man and fully God. Christ has been highly exalted by the Father and serves in the Holy of Holies in heaven as the High Priest after the order of Melchizedek making intercession for the saints. Then after the gathering together of the saints when His role as His Priest is completed, Christ will then take His rightful place setting up His government sitting upon His throne in the Kingdom of God as Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings of the Universe.

Lets us pray that God would assist us to see the Lord Jesus “AS HE IS” today and that He will also allow us to move on to perfection or spiritual maturity in order to obediently respond to our high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

To be continued. . .

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